Thursday, August 2, 2012

Giving residential roads back to the community

Comments and Recommendations to Council on the Traffic Management Request Report- Transport Malta, March 2012

Ralph Cassar

Presented to Council, 27/06/2012

Our original request, following a motion I presented and which was approved in November 2011, was to declare all residential roads 30kph zones in line with recommendations in, amongst other sources, the Koch Report (European Parliament), a copy of which was presented to Council.

Particular reference was made to traffic calming in Triq il-Linja, Triq Tursin ir-Rih, Triq is-Sienja and Triq Victor Vassallo.

Transport Malta agreed to a 30kph speed limit in the following roads:
Triq Hal Warda, Triq il-Pitkali.

All Village Core: Triq il-Kbira, Triq San Anton (from c/w Triq il-Kbira to c/w Triq il-Linja), Triq B’Kara (from c/w Triq San Anton to c/w Triq il-Gonna), Triq il-Gonna, Triq il-Mithna, Triq San Duminku, Pjazza Sant Anna, Triq ir-Rand, Triq Sant’Anna, Triq il-Mosta (in village core), Triq Haz-Zebbug, Triq Hal Qormi, Triq il-Knisja, Triq il-Belt Valletta, Misrah Tumas Dingli, Triq Santa Marija, Pjazzetta and all alleyways.

Other speed limits recommended by TM are:
Those outside village core (except Pitkali and Warda) 40kph.

Even without an explicit 30kph limit in the village core – roads are so narrow that moving at more than 30kph is practically impossible. This does not mean that the speed limit should not be pointed out and, if possible enforced, but the aim of the original proposal was to make ALL residential roads (the non-feeder and non-arterial roads) safer for pedestrians, encourage the concept of ‘shared space’ and make roads more attractive to people who would like to consider cycling within the whole of Attard.

The Tal-Fuklar area, Misrah Kola area and the Ta’ Fgieni area are all small, short and purely residential roads which with minimal road markings can easily be marked as ‘30kph home zones’.

In the meantime, traffic calming measures have been introduced in Triq Tursin ir-Rih. Triq Victor Vassallo is too wide and encourages speeding. Although draft plans to make the road safer have been drawn up by Council, the size of the road probably makes any meaningful intervention from Council funds too costly. Transport Malta should help if it really wants to make this road safer and ‘people friendly’.

Triq il-Linja – especially the part from c/w Triq il-Mosta to c/w Triq l-Gharix is another road which urgently needs traffic calming measures- these can include a pavement all along the industrial estate’s wall together with chokers – that is pavement extensions at midstreet locations that narrow a street by widening the pavement.

Triq is-Sienja is another street which needs seeing to.

The 40kph blanket limit for all residential streets (except those mentioned above) defeats the whole purpose of the initial Council proposal. Just one case in point is Triq Sant’Anton (TM want it a 40kph street) – this street is narrow and leads to a popular public garden (San Anton). The nature of the street (tree lined, and very attractive for walking etc.) makes it the perfect candidate for it to be a 30kph road.

Having said that, some improvements can still be made and hence I recommend:
  • Getting expert help in preparing traffic calming proposals for Vassallo, Linja and Sienja.
  • Getting expert help in preparing traffic calming measures in Pitkali and Warda – the only two roads out of the core approved to have a limit of 30kph.
  • Implement immediately the 30kph in the areas approved by TM (signs at the entrances to the village core should be enough – I would not recommend a clutter of signs in the historic core, speed limit painted on the road surface would be better). Maybe new signs should be considered – basically declaring the zone a ‘shared space’ (see below and get TM approval).
  • Keep pushing for 30kph ‘home zones’ in Fuklar, Fgieni and Misrah Kola.
  • Continue the policy of installing bike racks, clearly signed and preferably raised pedestrian crossings.
  • Shelters near bus stops.
  • The area around the housing estate be declared a home zone – with a 30kph limit – the streets have no pavements and hence there is a real need for this measure.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It-toroq tal-Housing Estate 'shared space'?

Peress li suppost ghandhom jinghataw xi fondi ghal-manutenzjoni tat-toroq tal-housing estate ta' H'Attard mill-gvern (mhux wisq!), ipproponejt li l-perit tal-Kunsill jesplora l-kuncett ta' 'shared space' fid-disinji tieghu. Dal-kuncett ifisser li min jimxi u juza r-rota, jew juza t-triq biex jiltaqgha jew jilghab ikollu prijorita fuq il-vetturi - ovvjament dan ifisser dinsinji apposta u  velocitajiet baxxi hafna... anzi d-disinn minnu nnifsu ghandu jaghmilha impossibbli li zzid l-velocita.

Din kienet il-proposta tieghi ... nistennew u naraw.

Qed ninkludi link b'spjegazzjoni tal-kuncett:

Awtur, ritratti, gwerra, kunsill u kazin jiltaqghu...

Din is-sena peress li hija s-sebghin sena mill-Konvoj ta' Santa Marija u peress li fl-istess waqt f'H'Attard tkun ghaddejja l-festa ta' Santa Marija hsibt biex nipproponi u norganizza flimkien ma' kunsillier iehor, Remigio Bartolo, ghan-nom tal-Kunsill Lokali u l-Kazin La Stella Levantina wirja zghira ta' ritratti marbutin mal-gwerra.

Ghaliex infakkru l-gwerra? Biex qatt ma ninsew il-fortuna kbira li nghixu fil-paci!

Il-wirja se tiehu l-forma ta' ritratti b'kummentarju tal-awtur kontemporanju Immanuel Mifsud, li joqghod H'Attard. Ir-ritratti nkisbu mill-arkivji tad-Dipartiment tal-Informazzjoni u mill-Imperial War Museum tar-Renju Unit. B'dawn ta' l-ahhar, ritratti ta' Ta' Qali (zona ta' H'Attard) li fi zmien il-gwerra qala' hafna bombi peress li kien ajruport militari.

Il-wirja se ssir fil-Kazin tal-Banda (hdejn il-knisja ta' H'Attard) - grazzi ghall-President is-Sur Charles Camilleri. Tiftah fl-10 t'Awwissu fis-7.30pm u tibqa' miftuha tul il-jiem tal-festa sal-15 t'Awwissu. Nispera li l-idea pjuttost differenti fi granet meta aktar nies mis-soltu jersqu lejn il-parti l-qadima ta' H'Attard tintghogob.

Ghal darb'ohra qed nahdem ukoll fuq progett zghir flimkien mal-GreenPak li insejjhulu 'Ekofesta' fejn naghmlu sforz biex il-materjal riciklabbli, l-aktar hgieg, bottijiet tax-xorb, u plastik li jigi ggenerat waqt il-festa kemm jista' jkun jingabar separatament ghar-riciklagg.

Min huwa minn H'Attard nappellalu li jekk jinzel ghal xi attivitajiet waqt il-festa jaghmel sforz u jinzel bil-mixi u min jigi minn barra jew ma jistax jimxi biex jipparkja 'l barra mic-centru l-antik - tajjeb li ma noholqux traffiku ghalxejn meta bi ftit sforz nistghu ingawdu t-toroq dojoq u antiki hielsa mit-traffiku ghal ftit jiem f'sena shiha.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


In Malta there are no laws, regulations or legal notices controlling noise from establishments - or at least they do not define what is a nuisance in measurable terms i.e. in sound levels. Meetings to tackle the problems of noise from Ta' Qali in H'Attard especially noise during the night from parties always come to the same conclusion: the laws are weak or non-existent.

We do not need to re-invent the wheel. A very quick search on the internet and up come regulations from Victoria in Australia - the sound levels are set in decibels and depend on the venue and the time. Worth having a look at.

Here is the link:

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Clothes recycling 2 June

On 2nd June 2012 from 9am till noon unwanted, old, torn/damaged clothes, handbags and shoes (only clean items please) will be collected for recycling in H'Attard.

Collection point: Triq il-Mosta, near recycling collection point - in front of Palma garden.

What does the community gain? Less material to landfill, and thus less landfill fees, not to mention the benefits of less waste.

I thank REFAB for their commitment. More information

Fireworks - feedback to Government on report of accidents

The Government has asked local councils to submit feedback to the report on accidents in fireworks factories, which was published by a Government-appointed commission.

As a local councillor I submitted my feedback which is based on AD's position is:

1. That there should be a quota (per licensed person) on all chemicals used in fireworks, especially on oxidizing agents;

2. The respective laws should establish measurable noise levels (in decibels), to make things easier for enforcement;

3. That no permits for new fireworks factories should be granted.

Michael Briguglio, councillor in Sliema, also submitted the same feedback.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Textile recycling day in Ħ'Attard

Another collection day for used clothes for recycling: 2nd June 2012 - 9am till noon - Triq il-Mosta, Ħ'Attard, near recycling collection point.

What does the community gain? LESS rubbish to the landfill, less of your tax money spent on fees, and a better environment...

More info:

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Cyclist? Pedestrian? Do you live in H’Attard?

I want to hear from you… especially if you live in H’Attard, since I am planning some local initiatives.

I want to hear from all those who use a bicycle whether it’s for leisure or for commuting. I want to hear from you on how to improve conditions on our local roads, educate and inform residents about safety and help create better conditions for cyclists and pedestrians.

I would also like to hear if you would be interested in a mass cycling event in H’Attard. Or maybe you’re interested in joining a sub-committee on local mobility issues. If you are interested please contact me by email on

Ralph Cassar
Local Councillor, H’Attard

P.S. You might be interested in a report about mobility issues I authored with a colleague of mine recently. Follow this link:

Monday, May 7, 2012

Ta’ Qali action plan – my submission to MEPA

The Director of Planning
(2012 Revisions to the Ta’ Qali Action Plan)
The Malta Environment and Planning Authority

Comments about the Ta’ Qali Action Plan revision
Ralph Cassar, local councillor (AD), H’Attard


Open spaces should remain open. Planting and afforestation should be restricted to the use of indigeneous and locally grown species. Noise and light pollution are issues which need to be addressed.

Convention and Exhibition facilities

The document makes reference to energy saving features for the convention and exhibition buildings proposed. The document should also make reference to light and noise pollution. Noise from the MFCC reaches Attard’s residential areas and its environs, with the noise being particularly of a nuisance late at night and early morning – midnight till 4am. A probable cause is sound systems which are not installed and designed professionally with towers of speakers projecting sound over too long a distance. Conditions on levels of sound should be imposed. Outdoor activities after midnight should be limited and even here sound limits should be imposed. Technological solutions exist. Sound barriers and other options such as heavy planting should be a condition for the buildings and outside areas. Embellishment around the facilities should use indigeneous and locally grown trees and shrubs.

Motor sports

The control of noise is also an issue here. Sound barriers should be a condition, together with heavy planting all around the complex.

Access to Ta’ Qali

Access to Ta’ Qali by private vehicles should be through the main arterial roads, access through residential areas such as Attard should be discouraged.

Mass transport of spectators and partons to mass events should be encouraged. As such the provision of parking should be restricted, with facilities available for easy access to the stadium and other facilities by large public transport veichles – minibuses, coaches and buses – and the provision of adequate, sheltered and comfortable areas for commuters.

Safe bicycle and pedestrian routes from nearby Attard, as well as safe cycle routes from Rabat and Mosta should be actively considered. Cycle parking facilites – preferably sheltered should be provided.

All new roads should have space for trees and shrubs on their sides.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Complaints related to Construction

Complaints related to construction fall within the remit of Construction Site Management Regulations and fall within the remit of the Ministry for Resources and Rural Affairs (MRRA)

Contact numbers for complaints: 
22997608 (During office hours) and 79074334 (After office hours)

Vetturi kummerċjali fit-toroq

Vetturi kummerċjali - 'heavy vehicles' - għal raġunijiet ta' sigurta u anke għax it-triq mhux dominju ta' kumpanija privata li tikkapparra l-ispazju pubbliku minflok tinvesti f'faċilitajiet għall-attivita kummerċjali tagħha.

L-Avviż Legali 50 tal-1979 jipprojbixxi l-ipparkjar ta' vetturi kummerċjali fit-triq. Hawn qed nirriproduċi l-parti relevanti bl-Ingliż:

Legal Notice 50 of 1979 Motor Tractor Regulations (as subsequently amended between 1979 and 2003) stipulates that: “No person shall stop, whether temporarily or otherwise, and leave unattended, or shall park any motor tractor and/or trailer or any heavy commercial vehicle or other commercial vehicle loaded with a container or leave a container in any road, yard, area or open space whether enclosed or otherwise other than in an authorized parking place or at an authorized container storage depot.”

F'Triq is-Sedqa f'Ħ'Attard dar-regolament jinkiser ta' kuljum. Infurmat li l-Pulizija avżata. 

Nixtieq iżda niċċara punt. L-imħażen fi Triq is-Sedqa u anke Triq il-Pitkali għandhom il-permess joperaw, iġifieri jistgħu jidħlu vetturi tqal f'dawn it-toroq biex jaċċessaw dawn l-imħażen. Mhux se noqgħod indur mal-lewża għax dawn huma l-fatti. Fatti li ma jogħġbunix imma xorta jibqgħu fatti. Jien kont wieħed mill-ftit li opponejt li jingħataw permessi għal imħażen (wara li inbnew taparsi garaxxijiet 'normali' li mbagħad sar bdil fl-użu tagħhom). Ftit sibt appoġġ mir-residenti dak iż-żmien ħlief minn koppja anzjani li kienu l-unika nies li kellhom il-kuraġġ joħorġu għonqhom. 

L-oġġezzjonijiet tiegħi saru fl-01/11/1995 u fl-20/03/1996 dwar 'change of use of garage' (PA 0260/96) u 'cold storage facilities' (PA 3710/95). Il-froġa saret xorta. Il-membri parlamentari speċjalment fuq in-naħa tal-vern dak iż-żmien ma qalu xejn fuq il-bidla minn garaxxijiet għal imħażen. 

Jien għandi l-kuxjenza f'postha.


  • Il-proposti li ressaqt għall-pjan ta' 3 snin tal-Kunsill Lokali ta' Ħ'Attard
  • Għaliex il-bżonn ta' 'contract manager'?
  • Pjan ta' mobilita sostenibbli

Dan il-blog jikkumplimenta l-blog l-ieħor tiegħi iżda jiffoka l-aktar fuq ħidmieti bħala Kunsillier f'Ħ'Attard.